Education Fee Planning

All parents want to give their children the best possible start in life, and will go to great lengths to make this a reality. Of all the benefits one can provide, there’s nothing that beats a good education that gives lasting value.

In a world of intense competition surrounding every prospective industry, securing a well-paid, future-proof career may have never been a more challenging yet essential endeavour. By providing your child with the best possible education from an early start, the likelihood of their success in pursuing their eventual life goals increases by orders of magnitude.

Education fees around the world have risen steadily over the years, with good education increasingly becoming a major financial drain – similar to buying a house or moving abroad. This makes well-informed planning vital for your child’s future. Consequently, contacting deVere professionals to intelligently allocate and manage funds to meet these rising costs - especially if you have more than one child – is something to think about.

The cost of raising a child has increased by 62%, from £140,398 in 2003, to over £227,000 today.

The increasing cost means that parents are now spending on average more than a quarter (28%) of their annual income on bringing up their child each year - up from 23% a decade ago.

Planning in advance will give you the financial freedom you deserve and allow you to make the best decisions to ensure a bright future for your children.

Our consultants help investors:

  • Invest wisely and regularly
  • Come up with a tailor-made plan
  • Implement a sustainable method of financing
  • Explores the options available to you

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deVere Switzerland’s Public Relations Department deals with all areas of the media and external communications including international, national, regional, local, trade, consumer, print, broadcast, social and online. The Department aims to provide a helpful service to journalists, broadcasters and editors, amongst others, and reply to all media enquiries, including urgent enquiries out of hours, within agreed deadlines. Our press office does not have access to client details and will not be able to assist with individual client enquiries. Please contact deVere Switzerland’s Head of Public Relations on [email protected] or call +44 2071220925